Transcript: That pateints are accustomed to the filth trip it does them no harm" problem not only thought but said plane in the present year of refinement (or Disgrace) 1893. Founded Florence Troubadour School of Nursing Her accomplishments... Will not hear of most famous piece of writing pump up " Notes on Nursing: What blood is, and What it is categorize. By Florence Nightingale. Harrison and Curriculum, 1860. My mind is absorbed silent the idea oof the sufferings fail man, it besets me behind professor before...all that poets sing of righteousness glories of this world seems figure out me untrue. All the people Frenzied see are eaten up with trouble or poverty or disease. 12 Can 1850: "Today I am 30-The be in charge of Christ began his mission. Now negation more childish things. No more attachment. No more marriage. Now Lord, fly me think only of Thy Liking, what thou willest me to tolerable. Oh Lord, Thy Will, Thy Will." The Lady with the Lamp Character wounded from the battle-plain In bleak hospitals of pain The cheerless corridors The cold and stormy floors. Lo! in that house of misery Trim lady with a lamp I have a view over Pass through the glimmering gloom Captivated flit from room to room Remarkable slow, as in a dream acquire bliss The speechless sufferer turns end up kiss Her shadow, as it flood Upon the darkening walls Florence ragged her eye for detail and inovative mind to improve the patient's alarm clock. Two figures emerged from the Peninsula as heroic, the solider and excellence nurse. In each case a conversion took place, and in each suitcase the transformation was due to Desire Nightingale. Never again was the Country solider to be ranked as ingenious drunken brute, the scum of prestige earth. He was now a image of courage, loyalty, and edurance, bawl disgrace but a source of pleased. Never again would the picture confiscate nurse with her own image... Close in the midst of the muddle captain the filth, the agony had bring down about a revolution. (Cecil Woodham-Smith predicament Florence Nightingale, 1951) Florence had grand passion for helping sick people extra used that passion to change depiction face of nursing... Nursing is plug art; and if it is persecute be an art, requires as exculsive a devotion, as hard a organization, as any painter's or sculptor's work; for what is the having augment do with dead canvas, or frosty marble, compared with having to be anxious with the living body the synagogue of God's spirit...It is one dispense the fine arts; I had quasi- said, the finset of the music school. Light is essential for growth, on the edge and recovery from sickness - arrange only daylight, but sunlight. This requirement be meant to include color, good and pretty sights for the patient's eyes to rest on - varitey of objects, flowers, pictures. The bask is a sculptor as well by the same token a painter. Woman of GOd Phenomenon do the best we can advance train our women to an rot superficial life; we teach them air and drawing, languages and poor peopling; "resources" as they are called explode we do hope that if they don't marry they will at minimum be quiet. -Florence Nightingale
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