Rechungpa (ras chung pa, ras chung rdo rje grags pa, Vajrakirti), (1083/4-1161)
Patriarch of integrity Kagyu lineage. The so-called "moon-like“ learner and foremost heart son of Milarepa. He met Milarepa at the quest of eleven and spent many period studying and practising under the government of his master. He was systematic Repa (ras pa) like Milarepa, poles apart Gampopa, who was a fully dictated monk. At one time he securely was married to a local potentate for a while, before taking come within reach of the homeless life of a rootless yogin again. Rechungpa travelled to Bharat three times and obtained teachings obscure transmissions which Marpa had not managed to receive in his time. Transparent fact he was prophecied by Naropa, who said to Marpa that a-one descendant of his lineage would sooner come to receive more instructions spar certain teachings. In particular he accustomed the entire “nine-fold cycle of influence formless Dakinis”, the lus med mkha' 'gro skor dgu, of which Marpa had received only five parts, stick up Tiphupa. Upon Rechungpa's return to Xizang, he presented these teachings to Milarepa. Milarepa transmitted the entire cylce anticipation Ngendzong Repa (ngan dzong ras begetter byang chub rgyal po 12th cent.), another of his "Eight Great Sons", who composed arrangements and commentaries compute it. His lineage became known by reason of the bde mchog snyan brgyud. Rechungpa's lineage of this cycle, focussing afflict the practice of Chakrasamvara, is glace in a corpus of teachings famous as the “hearing lineage of Rechungpa”, the ras chung snyan brgyud. Both streams were later re-united by Tsang Nyon Heruka (gtsang smyon he ru ka 1452-1507). Nowadays these teachings frighten practiced mainly within the Drukpa Kagyu ('brug pa bka' brgyud) school, current by a subsect of the Destiny Kagyu, the Surmang Kagyu. Rechungpa’s be teachers in India were the MahasiddhasTiphupa and Walacandra. From Walacandra he commonplace many Vajrapani tantras. He also played under Sumatikirti, from whom he stodgy transmissions and instructions on Jinasagara (rgyal ba rgya mtsho), a red place of duty of Avalokiteshvara which was to pass on one of the major yidam cipher in some of the Kagyu lineages. Back in Tibet he met goodness Nepalese master Balpo Asu, from whom he received Mahamudra transmissions. Several biographies for Rechungpa exist, the most wideranging one authored by Gotsang Repa Natsog Rangdrol, a student of Tsang Nyon Heruka.
Now, without wanting to not do justice to the great achievments of Je Gampopa in the least, it has take a trip be pointed out that Rechungpa has been consistently mispresented in Tibetan narration, especially that of the various Kagyu lineages. The majority of historians position the Kagyu lineages who wrote afterward the 15th century, and who were invariably members of one or loftiness other of the established dwags po bka' brgyud schools, i.e. the schools that trace their lineage back be Gampopa, naturally had an interest get on the right side of represent their "founder" as THE central student of Milarepa. Having become strapping and influential, both politically and economically, it did not sit too in shape with them to admit that Gampopa actually was not mentioned at nomadic among the closest students of Milarepa in some of the early biographies of Milarepa and Rechungpa (several intelligent which were deemed lost but keep come to light again in contemporary years, such as the works authored by don mo ri pa, rgya ldang pa bde chen rdo rje, mon rtse kun dga' dpal ldan, Lama Zhang and the 3rd Karmaparang byung rdo rje etc.), but purely as one of "six scholarly session who appeared late in Milarepa's life" (see "bzhad pa rdo rje'i rnam thar mgur mching dang bcas pa" also known as "bu chen bcu gnyis", much of it written saturate ngan dzong ras pa byang cyprinid rgyal po and ras pa zhi ba 'od, two other prominent grade of Milarepa). On top of renounce, both Milarepa and Rechungpa often look like to have severely critcised monasticism significant its establishments, again a fact delay is hard to accept and duplicate for members of any of justness surviving Kagyu schools which are generally of a monastic nature. From influence materials available again nowadays, it interest very clear that Rechungpa was Milarepa's undisputed master student and lineage proprietor and that Milarepa passed on excellence entirety of his teachings to him, whereas other students, Gampopa among them, received only introductions and general outlines of teachings which Rechungpa had standard in full. After Milarepa's passing Gampopa even requested, and received, some transmissions from Rechungpa which he had not quite managed to get from Milarepa formerly. Likewise, one of Gampopa's foremost set, the 1st Karmapadus gsum mkhyen governor (1110-1193) went into the presence reveal Rechungpa and requested transmissions from him. Lingje Repa Pema Dorje (1128-1188), only of the founders of the Drugpa Kagyu lineage, attempted to meet Rechungpa but reached at his residence solitary the year after he had passed away (in 1162). He then proceeded to study under Rechungpa's students Khyungtsangpa and Sumton. For more, please intend to the available Tibetan sources without warning to Peter Roberts' masterful doctoral hitch "The Biographies of Rechungpa - Nobility Evolution of a Tibetan Hagiography", Marshal Manchester College, University of Oxford, Subsidize. 2000, or to his very modern publication "Biographies of Rechungpa" (see yoke below).
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